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Out of batteries?That’s OK.Now you can print out fresh ones!Well…maybe not quite yet.For those unfamiliar with this exciting new technology, it’s hard to even imagine a working, rechargeable battery t ...

Refrigeration is relatively new to us. For thousands of years or more, people have been inventing creative ways of preserving food without the benefit of cooling. Natural food preservatives include vi ...

No one knows for sure if intelligent extraterrestrial life exists or ever existed. But many believe intelligent beings live elsewhere, despite a complete lack of compelling physical evidence. Why do s ...

Tidepools are areas of seawater left behind when ocean tides come in over uneven land. When the tide recedes, the freshly saturated landscape remains deeply puddled in certain places. These deep salty ...

Buying and selling real estate is coming back in style these days. However, most real estate websites lack certain useful features that would make the potential buyer's search more flexible, and the s ...

Design an architectural structure using live trees. The goals of this project are: To explore the possibilities of live trees in architecture. To promote greener living.It is an educational content by ...

The Haitian city of Gonaives has been destroyed by flooding twice since 2004.Each time, hundreds of lives were lost, and hundreds of thousands more were left homeless.Due to the mass destruction cause ...

A vortex is defined as that downward swirling motion regularly observed in nature, often during volatile environmental conditions. A vortex is manifested in different forms, such as tornadoes, whirlpo ...

You've probably heard that people make money from their websites, and perhaps you've wondered how it's done. Many people don't realize that you don't have to sell anything to make money from a website ...

Much is made about the positive effect of playing chess on cognitive abilities like critical thinking and pattern recognition. But is it really true that chess improves cognitive functioning? If so, i ...